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Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024! Where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere!

Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024, where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere! We have a tremendous group of girls this year and Mrs. Kelly and I are looking forward to growing with you through our wonderful journey together!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stop, Drop and Roll!

Well, today we went over our Fire Safety Checklist and what to do in case of emergencies!  I even had the girls do a test run of Fall and Crawl.....and ....Stop, Drop and Roll!  It was great! THEY were great!  They even had time to color their Sparky "Remember the Steps" worksheet.  What a great day!

Here are a couple things we didn't have time to go over....and some things we did have time to go over....but  set aside some time to talk to your Daisy about Fire Safety in your home:

1.  Make sure your home is safe and inspected for risks!
  • Electrical Cords are in good condition
  • Appliances and lights are plugged into separate electrical outlets
  • All smoke alarms work when tested by a grown up
  • All escape routes are clear of clutter
  • Curtains and other things that can burn are away from the stovetop
  • Portable space heaters are off whenever a grown up leaves the room and goes to sleep
  • The clothes dryer has a clean vent and filter (no lint build up)
  • A grown up always stays in the kitchen whenever food is cooking on the stovetop
  • All extension cords are used safely (not under carpets or across walking areas)
  • Portable space heaters are 3 feet away from anything that can burn
  • The furnace has been inspected in the past year
  • The chimney has been inspected and cleaned in the past year
2.  Remember the Steps
  • Floor Plan - HAVE YOUR DAISY DRAW OUT A BASIC FLOOR PLAN OF YOUR HOME. (you can access some plans/graphed on
Bring A COPY of your safety plan to Girl Scouts meeting to share with us!  All girls that do...will receive their Fire Safety Patch!


Remember:  If you can or don't mind doing snack for a meeting, please let us know.  We need some help with this.  Mrs. Heather may be calling you or emailing you soon to put you on the list if you are able to help! Thank you in advance! :)


My congratulations to the ladies that have been working hard on their gardens!  I have another picture to add to our glorious gardens!  ASHLEY!

Good job Ashley!  I can't wait to see what they become!  Keep up the awesome work girls!  You will be proud of yourselves...if you are not your accomplishment! Give yourself a big pat on the back!  Taking responsibility for a garden is hard....I myself do not have a green thumb! I am proud of you!

A couple of the parents asked if I have received pictures of their Daisy's garden.  If I have not posted their picture on the blog...then I did not get the pic!  Please resend them! I would love to see them...and know they are doing their part! What an amazing bunch of daisies we have!!!!!

Okay.....well, I am off to pack for my vacation next week.  I have a wonderful friend staying at the house while I am gone - (you always feel good with somone on the "force" looking after things while you are gone! - and taking care of my sweet boston terrier, Bre'Bre') - BUT  I will be logging in from time to time to check in and upload some pictures for you guys!  I am looking forward to a bit of R&R with the family. 

Love and Prayers........and sprouting dust for your daisies!

New Info...

I have some new info from Melba...that pertains to my little daisies!  If you and your daisy are planning on participating in the CASA Caroling in December then you need to pay $1 for the patch.  This was sent out in an email today, so I am assuming that it needs to be paid soon.  Go ahead and get a jump on it - I say!

If I hear anything else that needs to be told.....I will amend my blog! Thanks for reading...and thanks for allowing Kelly and I to be a part of your child's life!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Respecting our Troops of ALL AGES!

Hello my little petals of joy!  I hope this Monday has found you in a delightful mood and excited about the week ahead! 

Mondays are usually pretty jam packed for me...but today has found me in a chippery mood with a little time on my hands! to Mrs. Kelly's to plan the meeting tomorrow (actually clue her in on my plans...and me on hers!)


Troop Meeting is tomorrow!!!! Don't forget!!!!   Starts at 4:00!
I have gotten a couple pictures of your plants.  I am very proud of your success in caring for them! You should be proud of yourselves too!!  Avery was surprised that her little plants were growing within a week!
Great job Avery!!!!

Great job Riley! Looks like Daisies aren't the only thing sprouting up around here!!! I am looking forward to the ending results Daisies!

This week we will continue to go over the Girl Scout Promise.  If you have not said your promise then keep practicing at home.  As soon as you are ready....get with Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Faith, Mrs. Heather or Me and let us hear it!  A patch is waiting for you!!!  (Note to parents:  Please make sure you give your patches to one of the leaders if you haven't already done so!)

We will also be talking about Fire Safety this week during our meeting.  The girls will have homework to do in order to earn a fire safety swap.  They will need to map out an evacuation plan for their home and family THEN run through it one time with them all.  Make sure you sign off on it parents in order for them to get their swap!  (This will be turned in at the next meeting on November 8th) With the upcoming winter months...this will be a great thing for the whole family to go through! We will also go over the fire truck details we learned from our visit with it and the helicopter rescue unit!

---------------------------Commercial Break---------------------------
Parents: If you wouldn't mind bringing in a snack for one of our meetings, please let us know.  We need some help in that area.
-----------------------Now Back To Our Program---------------------


We have a meeting on November 8th at 4:00

We have been invited to participate in the Veteran's Day parade on November 11th at 9:30 a.m.(line-up) on St. Simons Island.  Parade begins at 10 a.m.  This is a fairly new parade sponsored by The Veterans Council of Golden Isles to show respect and remembrance to the Veterans in our area.  We would wear our uniforms and carry a flag as we walk the parade. 

Parade route:  
 Starting at Butler Field Ballpark traveling south on Mallory St.  It will then turn on Ocean Blvd, Oak St. and Beachview Dr.  The parade will end back at Butler Field.  People should line up to see the parade along Mallory St., Ocean Blvd, Oak St., and Beachview Dr.    The Annual Veterans Day event will follow at 11:00am at the Casino Band Stand, event details will be published later. 
Please let me know if you would like to be a part of this - I would like for the daisies to be pulled in wagons, but that will mean we need parents to pull and wagons to pull them in!  So, please let us know if you will be able to attend this event!
We will be having a 100th birthday celebration in March!  Lots of things are happening and planning is starting like a rush of mountain dew on a hot summer day!
We need canvas tarps (various sizes), painters plastic drop cloths, paint brushes & paint (whatever sizes & colors we can get - will need green, black, white. blue and red), stir sticks and paint can keys (to open cans).
If you know anyone that could donate any of these things....please leave their name with us!  OR if you would like to ask them for yourself...that would be great too!  Pass the word around and share it on facebook! You never know who will be willing to help out a fellow scout!!!!
Okay...Daisies!  I am signing out....and heading to Kelly's house!  If you need me....if you don't and want to call anyway...great! I love friendships!
I am looking forward to tomorrow......remember to care for your plants.  It is YOUR responsibility and you will be proud that you did it all on your own! 
See you tomorrow! Until then.....grow...grow....grow!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2 Million Dollar Surprise and Smores!

Its been a few days....but I am finally getting the chance to fill you in on the Boo Party!   It was a blast!!!! We all met up at the Humane Society where we showered them with our "boo bags" and gifts....what a joy it was to be able to give so much!!!!  Then we were given a top notch tour of the facilities.  The doggies were so excited to see us..they just wouldn't hush up!  The girls enjoyed it though....they were petting and loving on as many as they could.  We were all given a huge dog treat to take to one dog each.  What fun...and they were all so gentle and sweet!  The girls did such a great job!  THEN we were taken outside to play with a couple small doggies.  Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming for small dogs to stay inside.  The older dogs are like cackling hens! They keep talking and talking and talking....and I am sure some of them are shouting in their own way!

Our tour guide took us to the new facilities.  Two Million Dollars!!!!!!  Yes! and ALL donated.   What a blessing!  The cat "condo" as I called amazing!!!!  I think I want to move in!  It was sooooo beautiful!  The plans they have for the complete structure is going to be amazing!  I can't wait to go back when it is all finished!

ON TO THE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as the girls saw the sunken trampoline......there was no stopping them!  That's all they wanted to do! (and eat cupcakes!!!)

We had a great time!  When it finally got dark....we broke out the s'mores!  The girls loved them!  I couldn't believe that some of them have never had a s'more!~!!!!  Parents???? Get those girls out of the house and into the backyard at night! Wait....that's what we are for huh?! Well, never fear......we are here!!!!

KK had her first official s'more during a girl scouts outing! Yeah! She is a Daisy in training.....and doing a great job staying with the big girls!

Thank you parents for allowing your girls to be with us this particular evening...we had a blast and learned a heap of things at the Humane Society..., thank you for raising such sweet and wonderful girls, and THANK YOU FOR PICKING THEM UP AT THE END OF THE NIGHT! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Garden Responsibility

What a GREAT Daisy meeting today! We made two new friends in Madeline and Natalie.....girls we are excited you have thought to join in with us!  I do hope you get to come to the Boo Party/Humane Society with us on Friday!

Parents, the girls took home a boo bag....this is for the dog/cat treats and toy.  If you are unable to attend the Humane worries.  Just bring in a can of dog food, boo bag and a picture drawn by your daisy for the humane society.  That way she will still get her badge!

If you have any question concerning Friday afternoon/evening - please feel free to call us!  Our numbers are 269-2546 (me, KIM) or 265-5831 (Kelly) Oh, some of the girls asked if they could dress up for the humane society since we are "booing" them.....and YES!  Feel free! Kelly and I may dress up too!!!!!


The girls took home gardens today.  They are to nurture and care for their garden as best they can.  It is their responsibility (in order to earn a patch) and please send in pictures every now and then to let us know how things are going. (the directions were in their boo bag!)  I will post them on the blog!


We are having a talent show this year at the Ritz downtown! Yeah!  The girls talked about doing a song in sign language.  We may be working with a few other groups as be thinking about looking around for a black jogging outfit for the girls.  We would like to paint their daisy on the front and purchase white gloves for them to wear during the song.  We are even thinking of black lighting it for cool effects!!!!! We will give more details to this later.

Okay...well, I need to take off the daisy hat and put on my boutique hat....I have bow orders to fill! 

Oh, one more thing............we handed out patches today.  As soon as your daisy's patch comes in...let me have it.  I would like to give out patches for the  PROMISE!  Almost everyone has said it....and moving around the flower! Good job girls!!!

For those of you that are new or have not turned in your color page to earn a on the page up top and print.  Turn it in at the next meeting and you will receive a color SWAP to add to your hat!  (Hats can be bought at dollar tree or michaels.  They are khaki bucket hats. You can pin your SWAPS on them for easy keep!)

Good Night!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Its THAT time again!

Making sure we have our daisies in a row....

GREETINGS BEFORE THE MEETING!!!!!  :)  Take out a pen and paper folks....there is a lot of info here! ............................................................but don't let that scare ya~!

Our Daisy meeting is tomorrow! I know....I know....I should have had this out waaaaaaaay before now!  I am sorry!!!!  I have been attending to a sick husband and a wild two year old! Well, one of those isn't exactly correct.....KK is EXTRA wild these days!!  Not to mention that I have now added PLUMBING to my list of abilities as a Domestic Engineer! I broke my kitchen faucet this morning....and have been up to my elbows trying to put in a new one! Mission accomplished!!! Thank the Lord for my daddy! He was my knight in shining armor today while Chad was at the doctor!


Meeting @ 4:00. Remember to go straight to class! We are meeting in the annex...its the same room we met in for the Helicopter day!

Have you been looking for a blanket for the Humane Society?  I will give out SWAPS at the Humane Society outing on the 14th! (This is our Boo Party too!)  I already have blankets from Riley, Kendra and Sofia.  Thanks girls!

 Are you practicing your Promise???????  Be ready to say it tomorrow!

Parents, please make sure you purchase the daisy patch.  If you have already done so, please leave it with either Kelly or myself tomorrow.  We will keep up with those until the girls earn each petal.  Keep studying your promise - that is what you will say to earn your middle of the daisy!  If you have not said it to a leader yet, please let us know when you are ready!!!

Remember, you do not have to purchase a uniform.  If you wish to do so, you may purchase it from the girl scout website...which is:

Green Houses????
The girls will be coming home tomorrow with a miniature green house.  It will have either a flower or a vegetable SEED in it.  They are to care for that plant over a period of time.  Parents, you are to periodically send in a picture of each green house so that we can share each daisy's progress.  That will eliminate having to bring them in at every meeting with the possibility of it getting ruined.  We will ask the girls at meetings to tell us something about their seedling.  When their plant has bloomed/or not:-\...the girls will earn a patch for their efforts in caring for their green house.  Please make sure they remember that it is their green house and their responsibility.  We will go over this in our  meeting with the girls.

BOO!!!! Did I scare ya?
They will also be receiving a "Boo Bag".  The Boo Bag is for Humane Society Patch they will be earning.  They are to fill it with a dog/cat toy and treats.  They are to also bring one can of food (dog or cat).  Bring this Boo Bag when we meet on the 14th for the Boo Party.  Now....on to the Boo Party.....

The Boo Party:  We will meet at the Humane Society (off hwy 17). is the website.  You can get directions there.   If you are not planning on staying, please make sure you sign the permission slip that I, Mrs. Kim, will have available.  DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD WITHOUT SIGNING THAT SLIP!.  If you ARE planning on staying at the Humane Society with us and  plan on taking your child to Mrs. Kelly's house and leaving them for the party...YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO SIGN THE PERMISSION SLIP.  Please let us know if you plan on dropping your child off at the Humane Society and letting them ride with one of us (Kelly/Me/Mrs. Faith) to Mrs. Kelly's house. We need to make sure we have available seating. 

<--------permission slip!

We would like the girls to bring a roll of toilet tissue (NO!!!! WE ARE NOT TP-ING!!!!!!) - We will use it for a craft, so you will be getting it back!  :-) We would also like for everyone to pitch in $3 for pizza.  Everything else is taken care of!  We will have craft time, game time....and will be earning a patch or two while we do everything planned!  

RECAP of Boo Party: Friday, October 14th.  Meet at Humane Society at 4:00.  We will leave Humane Society at 5:00 and go to Mrs. Kelly's house.  (109 Saddlebrook Trace) You may pick your child up by 7:30.  Please call us with any questions.  Kelly 265-5831 or Kim 269-2546.

For all those that attended the BFF event at Seldon Park.....don't forget to pay your $1 for the patch.  You may pay either Me or Kelly.  I will check with Melba to see when those will be in.

I hope I have not overloaded you with info....but better to know than NOT!  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Keep Checking in!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Keeping it on the inside!

What a day for pickin' punkins! :)

We had a great day!  But I will tell is a given rule of thumb..."what happens at Poppell's ...STAYS at Poppell's!  You will never believe what Mrs. Kelly and her husband roped up and how long it took them to tame those horses! 

The corn maze was fun.....but it almost seemed like the blind leading the blind!  Needless to say.....we were in there a while!

There was so much to do from feeding the animals, roping a cow, riding bucking horses, bouncing on the "bladder", slidding, swinging, running, screaming .....oh wait..that was just my daughter! :) What was Kaylyn's favorite part? FOOD! 

by the end of the day we were exhausted and ready to head home!  What a day!  We missed all our little daisies that were not able to attend...but we are looking forward to our meeting and our Boo Party!  I will write more details on both of those tomorrow!  So...keep checking in!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Funtastic Fun in the Corn Maze!

HELLO MY LITTLE DAISIES!!!  I hope this blog finds you chippery and chilly!  I am loving this weather, yes~!? 

For all of you that ended up going to Coastfest...I envy you!  I was daughter, KK, was ready and we were dragging daddy along for the ride...when KK decided to throw her lunch up all over daddy!....and three more times in the restroom - never hitting the toilet once~!!!!!!  EWWWWWWWW~ EWWWWW...and EWWWW!! After getting her calmed down, we decided to just head to the house and most certainly glad we did - because whatever it was...I then in turn had it!  We were not happy campers by the end of the night! So, I do hope you are all WELL and I do hope you had a great time there at Coastfest.  I did get to see all the folks there - we rode by on our way home (well, we went out of our way to go by..but I atleast wanted to see how many folks turned out! AND it was full of folks!).

Now,  I pray the good Lord allows us to be well and chippery this weekend because we are going to POPPELL FARMS!
Check out their site!
I will be calling all daisies tomorrow to see who will be attending.  Mrs. Melba put out an email read (about Poppell Farms):  "Poppell  Farms - **Immediate Attention Needed** Saturday, October 8th  If you plan on attending, please let me know.  Most parents will probably want to meet us there.  If you want to caravan, we will depart from Overlook Park around 10:15 a.m.  For parents meeting us there, we will plan to meet-up at the Poppell Farm Store around 11:30 a.m. This will allow the girls to be able to walk around together.  You are free to stay as long as you and your family would like.  The farm won't close until 10 p.m.  I, however, will not be able to stay that long since I will have company that day.  You do not have to wear your vest because it would be filthy by the end of the day.  You can take it with you just incase."

I am sure she wants to know who will be attending because of patches. 

SPEAKING OF PATCHES!  I am so proud of Riley, Kendra, Kylie, Sofia and McKenzie! They have all said their promise!  I know the other girls are working hard to get is a lot! I am proud of you ALL for working so hard at it!  Parents, please order your patches, if you haven't already done so.  I would like to give them their center patch during one of the upcoming meetings.  We make a big "to do" about it...because they worked so hard to earn it!

Oh, someone asked about the cost of Poppel Farms.  I think I am right when I say, $8 for the girlscouts & leaders and $10 for any tag-a-long family members. I am not sure as to wee little ones like KK (2 years and younger). I will check with Melba on that...or she can comment on here.

Okay - well, any questions?  If so....comment please.  I check the blog every day whether I write anything or not!  

Keep growing my little daisies! I am excited to see you bloom!