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Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024! Where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere!

Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024, where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere! We have a tremendous group of girls this year and Mrs. Kelly and I are looking forward to growing with you through our wonderful journey together!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Respecting our Troops of ALL AGES!

Hello my little petals of joy!  I hope this Monday has found you in a delightful mood and excited about the week ahead! 

Mondays are usually pretty jam packed for me...but today has found me in a chippery mood with a little time on my hands! to Mrs. Kelly's to plan the meeting tomorrow (actually clue her in on my plans...and me on hers!)


Troop Meeting is tomorrow!!!! Don't forget!!!!   Starts at 4:00!
I have gotten a couple pictures of your plants.  I am very proud of your success in caring for them! You should be proud of yourselves too!!  Avery was surprised that her little plants were growing within a week!
Great job Avery!!!!

Great job Riley! Looks like Daisies aren't the only thing sprouting up around here!!! I am looking forward to the ending results Daisies!

This week we will continue to go over the Girl Scout Promise.  If you have not said your promise then keep practicing at home.  As soon as you are ready....get with Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Faith, Mrs. Heather or Me and let us hear it!  A patch is waiting for you!!!  (Note to parents:  Please make sure you give your patches to one of the leaders if you haven't already done so!)

We will also be talking about Fire Safety this week during our meeting.  The girls will have homework to do in order to earn a fire safety swap.  They will need to map out an evacuation plan for their home and family THEN run through it one time with them all.  Make sure you sign off on it parents in order for them to get their swap!  (This will be turned in at the next meeting on November 8th) With the upcoming winter months...this will be a great thing for the whole family to go through! We will also go over the fire truck details we learned from our visit with it and the helicopter rescue unit!

---------------------------Commercial Break---------------------------
Parents: If you wouldn't mind bringing in a snack for one of our meetings, please let us know.  We need some help in that area.
-----------------------Now Back To Our Program---------------------


We have a meeting on November 8th at 4:00

We have been invited to participate in the Veteran's Day parade on November 11th at 9:30 a.m.(line-up) on St. Simons Island.  Parade begins at 10 a.m.  This is a fairly new parade sponsored by The Veterans Council of Golden Isles to show respect and remembrance to the Veterans in our area.  We would wear our uniforms and carry a flag as we walk the parade. 

Parade route:  
 Starting at Butler Field Ballpark traveling south on Mallory St.  It will then turn on Ocean Blvd, Oak St. and Beachview Dr.  The parade will end back at Butler Field.  People should line up to see the parade along Mallory St., Ocean Blvd, Oak St., and Beachview Dr.    The Annual Veterans Day event will follow at 11:00am at the Casino Band Stand, event details will be published later. 
Please let me know if you would like to be a part of this - I would like for the daisies to be pulled in wagons, but that will mean we need parents to pull and wagons to pull them in!  So, please let us know if you will be able to attend this event!
We will be having a 100th birthday celebration in March!  Lots of things are happening and planning is starting like a rush of mountain dew on a hot summer day!
We need canvas tarps (various sizes), painters plastic drop cloths, paint brushes & paint (whatever sizes & colors we can get - will need green, black, white. blue and red), stir sticks and paint can keys (to open cans).
If you know anyone that could donate any of these things....please leave their name with us!  OR if you would like to ask them for yourself...that would be great too!  Pass the word around and share it on facebook! You never know who will be willing to help out a fellow scout!!!!
Okay...Daisies!  I am signing out....and heading to Kelly's house!  If you need me....if you don't and want to call anyway...great! I love friendships!
I am looking forward to tomorrow......remember to care for your plants.  It is YOUR responsibility and you will be proud that you did it all on your own! 
See you tomorrow! Until then.....grow...grow....grow!!!

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