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Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024! Where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere!

Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024, where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere! We have a tremendous group of girls this year and Mrs. Kelly and I are looking forward to growing with you through our wonderful journey together!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2 Million Dollar Surprise and Smores!

Its been a few days....but I am finally getting the chance to fill you in on the Boo Party!   It was a blast!!!! We all met up at the Humane Society where we showered them with our "boo bags" and gifts....what a joy it was to be able to give so much!!!!  Then we were given a top notch tour of the facilities.  The doggies were so excited to see us..they just wouldn't hush up!  The girls enjoyed it though....they were petting and loving on as many as they could.  We were all given a huge dog treat to take to one dog each.  What fun...and they were all so gentle and sweet!  The girls did such a great job!  THEN we were taken outside to play with a couple small doggies.  Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming for small dogs to stay inside.  The older dogs are like cackling hens! They keep talking and talking and talking....and I am sure some of them are shouting in their own way!

Our tour guide took us to the new facilities.  Two Million Dollars!!!!!!  Yes! and ALL donated.   What a blessing!  The cat "condo" as I called amazing!!!!  I think I want to move in!  It was sooooo beautiful!  The plans they have for the complete structure is going to be amazing!  I can't wait to go back when it is all finished!

ON TO THE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as the girls saw the sunken trampoline......there was no stopping them!  That's all they wanted to do! (and eat cupcakes!!!)

We had a great time!  When it finally got dark....we broke out the s'mores!  The girls loved them!  I couldn't believe that some of them have never had a s'more!~!!!!  Parents???? Get those girls out of the house and into the backyard at night! Wait....that's what we are for huh?! Well, never fear......we are here!!!!

KK had her first official s'more during a girl scouts outing! Yeah! She is a Daisy in training.....and doing a great job staying with the big girls!

Thank you parents for allowing your girls to be with us this particular evening...we had a blast and learned a heap of things at the Humane Society..., thank you for raising such sweet and wonderful girls, and THANK YOU FOR PICKING THEM UP AT THE END OF THE NIGHT! :)

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