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Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024! Where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere!

Welcome to Daisy Troop 30024, where Daisies are sprouting up everywhere! We have a tremendous group of girls this year and Mrs. Kelly and I are looking forward to growing with you through our wonderful journey together!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Its THAT time again!

Making sure we have our daisies in a row....

GREETINGS BEFORE THE MEETING!!!!!  :)  Take out a pen and paper folks....there is a lot of info here! ............................................................but don't let that scare ya~!

Our Daisy meeting is tomorrow! I know....I know....I should have had this out waaaaaaaay before now!  I am sorry!!!!  I have been attending to a sick husband and a wild two year old! Well, one of those isn't exactly correct.....KK is EXTRA wild these days!!  Not to mention that I have now added PLUMBING to my list of abilities as a Domestic Engineer! I broke my kitchen faucet this morning....and have been up to my elbows trying to put in a new one! Mission accomplished!!! Thank the Lord for my daddy! He was my knight in shining armor today while Chad was at the doctor!


Meeting @ 4:00. Remember to go straight to class! We are meeting in the annex...its the same room we met in for the Helicopter day!

Have you been looking for a blanket for the Humane Society?  I will give out SWAPS at the Humane Society outing on the 14th! (This is our Boo Party too!)  I already have blankets from Riley, Kendra and Sofia.  Thanks girls!

 Are you practicing your Promise???????  Be ready to say it tomorrow!

Parents, please make sure you purchase the daisy patch.  If you have already done so, please leave it with either Kelly or myself tomorrow.  We will keep up with those until the girls earn each petal.  Keep studying your promise - that is what you will say to earn your middle of the daisy!  If you have not said it to a leader yet, please let us know when you are ready!!!

Remember, you do not have to purchase a uniform.  If you wish to do so, you may purchase it from the girl scout website...which is:

Green Houses????
The girls will be coming home tomorrow with a miniature green house.  It will have either a flower or a vegetable SEED in it.  They are to care for that plant over a period of time.  Parents, you are to periodically send in a picture of each green house so that we can share each daisy's progress.  That will eliminate having to bring them in at every meeting with the possibility of it getting ruined.  We will ask the girls at meetings to tell us something about their seedling.  When their plant has bloomed/or not:-\...the girls will earn a patch for their efforts in caring for their green house.  Please make sure they remember that it is their green house and their responsibility.  We will go over this in our  meeting with the girls.

BOO!!!! Did I scare ya?
They will also be receiving a "Boo Bag".  The Boo Bag is for Humane Society Patch they will be earning.  They are to fill it with a dog/cat toy and treats.  They are to also bring one can of food (dog or cat).  Bring this Boo Bag when we meet on the 14th for the Boo Party.  Now....on to the Boo Party.....

The Boo Party:  We will meet at the Humane Society (off hwy 17). is the website.  You can get directions there.   If you are not planning on staying, please make sure you sign the permission slip that I, Mrs. Kim, will have available.  DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD WITHOUT SIGNING THAT SLIP!.  If you ARE planning on staying at the Humane Society with us and  plan on taking your child to Mrs. Kelly's house and leaving them for the party...YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO SIGN THE PERMISSION SLIP.  Please let us know if you plan on dropping your child off at the Humane Society and letting them ride with one of us (Kelly/Me/Mrs. Faith) to Mrs. Kelly's house. We need to make sure we have available seating. 

<--------permission slip!

We would like the girls to bring a roll of toilet tissue (NO!!!! WE ARE NOT TP-ING!!!!!!) - We will use it for a craft, so you will be getting it back!  :-) We would also like for everyone to pitch in $3 for pizza.  Everything else is taken care of!  We will have craft time, game time....and will be earning a patch or two while we do everything planned!  

RECAP of Boo Party: Friday, October 14th.  Meet at Humane Society at 4:00.  We will leave Humane Society at 5:00 and go to Mrs. Kelly's house.  (109 Saddlebrook Trace) You may pick your child up by 7:30.  Please call us with any questions.  Kelly 265-5831 or Kim 269-2546.

For all those that attended the BFF event at Seldon Park.....don't forget to pay your $1 for the patch.  You may pay either Me or Kelly.  I will check with Melba to see when those will be in.

I hope I have not overloaded you with info....but better to know than NOT!  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Keep Checking in!!!!!!!!!!!!

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